Saturday, May 15, 2010

More Green From the Golden State

On December 5th, as is customary for his post, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger powered up the lights for State Capitol Christmas Tree. What makes this years tree-lighting  especially noteworthy is the use of a hydrogen fuel cell. Energy-efficeint LED bulbs are being powered by clean energy.
Said Schwarzenegger, “California leads the nation in energy efficiency standards. Once again, California is a pioneer in protecting our environment with this tree, which is powered entirely by a clean, zero-emission power source.”
In Anaheim, Disney is working to prove the Governor’s statements true, having recently revamped it’s classic submarine ride, substituting magnetic cols for steam power, and colorful, recycled glass for paint.
The quality of the show is still the number one priority for the employees of Disney, as stated Frank Dela Vara of Disneyland Environmental Affairs. “Our culture is that we want to be very careful about those pieces that we put on stage, and we don’t want to take that feel of the show away from the guests.”


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